Things You Need to Know Before Installing Your New Air Conditioner

With summer temperatures rising across the country, more homeowners are investing in central air conditioning even though their area may not have needed it in the past. If you're looking for a new central air conditioning system for the first time, the selection and installation process can be somewhat intimidating. There are a few things that are important to consider when you're having an air conditioning system installed in your home. Here's a look at what you need to know.

Don't Shop Based on Price Alone

One of the biggest mistakes that homeowners can make when they buy a central air conditioning system is choosing a unit solely based on the cheapest unit that they can find. Before you invest in any new central air conditioner, you should talk with an HVAC technician about your home's needs.

Your HVAC technician will assess the floorplan of your home, including the way that air flows through the space. He or she will also consider the square footage and the distribution of the air vents. From there, you'll get a recommendation for the best size of air conditioning unit to invest in. Opt for something as close to that size as possible so that you can maintain your home's comfort without overtaxing the unit or burning it out due to short cycling.

You'll Need to Install a Thermostat 

Part of your air conditioner installation will also include installing a thermostat inside your home to help you control the system. It's important that you have that thermostat placed in the right location for accuracy. Thermostats should be placed on an interior wall as close to the center of your home as possible.

Choose somewhere away from direct sunlight or drafts. The goal is to ensure that your home's thermostat gets as accurate a reading as possible of your home's temperature so that you can ensure consistency throughout your whole home.

You Should Have a Pad Installed for Your Air Conditioner

When you are ready to have your new air conditioner installed, the process will typically start with placing a concrete pad. This pad is where the air conditioning unit will be placed, partially elevated to minimize pest infestations and flooding concerns. You can also incorporate a fence or enclosure around that pad to protect the air conditioner from theft, vandalism, and other hazards.

Talk with an AC installation technician about these considerations before you schedule your appointment. That way, you can be sure that you get an air conditioning system that actually meets your needs.
